Adding images to the class description page

Adding images to the class description page


Adding images to your registration page can make a big difference, as they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words". We have now included the option to add images to your online class registration page, this is done directly within the setup wizard. See below steps to learn more.

Step 1: The image option is available on the first step of a program set up wizard "Basic Information". If you already have a program up you can go to the edit mode and add it to your program.


Step 2: Once you are on the Basic Info section go to the program section. Here you will be able to add up to five images to your registration page. Choose image file and then click add. When you are done click Save & continue.


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Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at

Best Regards, Jumbula Support Team

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