Blacklisted Accounts

Blacklisted Accounts

The Account Blacklist feature allows organizations to restrict certain users from registration for classes. We will be enhancing the Account Blacklist feature based on your feedback and will handle additional use cases.


You can use this feature to block families and participants from registering for your programs. It is up to you to define the criteria for blacklisting a family, for example, a family that is delinquent and has not paid for services, or a family that has shown disruptive behavior. 

Follow the instructions below to create a blacklist

  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard > People > Blacklists
  2. Click on the (+) icon on the right corner of the page

On the loaded page, choose the desired email addresses and a memo:
  1. Click on Email addresses > Select the family email from the dropdown menu
  2. Add a Memo for your blacklist. This option helps you remember the reason of their restrictions
  3. Click on Save

You have successfully added families to the blacklist. They have no longer the ability to register for your programs.

As an admin you see the following screen:

When a blacklisted family attempts to register for class, Jumbula will display the following notice:

Follow the instructions below to remove a family from the blacklist

  1. Find the specific family and then hover over ... in the Actions column
  2. Click on Delete > Select Yes, I'm sure

Contact us

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at

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