Enhanced eCommerce Google Analytics integration

Enhanced eCommerce Google Analytics integration


Wouldn't you like to have insight on your registrant's journey through their enrollment process? Are registrants dropping while completing the online form or perhaps leaving orders at the cart level? With our new Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics integration, you now have visibility on these and many other insights.

What is Enhanced Ecommerce tracking system?

Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce not only does a great job of tracking transactions and product data which Google Analytics Ecommerce does, but it also unlocks additional reporting features which deliver more robust insights, like Shopping Behavior and Checkout Behavior.

How to set up Enhanced Ecommerce tracking

Please note that in order to start using this feature, you need to provide your Google Analytics tracking ID first. If you haven't already done this, please click here to learn more.

Once you have added the Google Analytics tracking ID to your Jumbula account, you will be able to track and get insight on how registrants navigate from page to page within the Jumbula registration process. Google Analytics reporting will give you visibility on this process and most importantly you will be able to identify possible areas of improvement. All you need is to enable the Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting, follow the below steps to set this up in your Google Analytics account:

Step 1: Log in to your Google Analytics Dashboard

Step 2: Navigate to Admin --> Ecommerce Settings


Step 3: Click the ?On? switches in order to turn on Enable Ecommerce and Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting.

Step 4: Once you enable the above features, you will be able to add the Funnel Steps. There are seven steps available in the Jumbula registration process. Please note, all steps MUST be provided in the following order, even if they are not applicable to your business:

Step 1: Program Chosen
Step 2: Tuition Chosen
Step 3: Profile Selected/Created
Step 4: Form Filled
Step 5: Follow-up Form Filled
Step 6: Waivers Signed
Step 7: Payment Plan Selected

After adding the steps your Funnel should look like the following image:


Some additional notes:

  • Each step represents an action of your registrant's. For example, Program Chosen triggers when a user comes to your program page where they see the summary information. Similarly, Tuition Chosen would trigger when a user selects a tuition and navigates to the next step.
  • It might be the case that some steps are not used in your registration process, for example, you might not have any follow-up forms during the registration. However, you would still need to provide all steps in the provided order to map each step to the corresponding action.
  • You can use your own terminology for step names as long as you are are aware of when each step is triggered.

Step 5: Click on Save and you are All done!

Where can I find my tracking data?

In Google Analytics, Ecommerce and transactional data can all be found together, packed away under one subheading. On the left-side navigation bar, go to Conversions, and then locate ?Ecommerce? underneath it.

Under this subhead, you will find product information, overall sales data, transnational information, shopping behavior, checkout behavior and how long it takes users to purchase on average.

Here is what you can learn from the different categories:

  • The Overview tab shows you a quick but comprehensive look of everything happening with the ecommerce side of your business.
  • The Shopping Behavior tab will show you how new vs. returning visitors behave during program registration.
  • The Checkout Behavior (Sales Funnel) Analysis information will show you where users are dropping off during the checkout process. This can help you to determine why abandoned carts and non-completed transactions are occurring.


  • The Product Performance shows the number of unique purchases of each program and much more.

How can I use Segments to filter my reports?

You may want to see the tracking reports for either an individual program or an entire season. For example, you may want to see how a new season is performing compared to the previous one. You can use Segments in Google Analytics to accomplish this. If you are new to Segments, please click here to learn more.

The below image shows how you can use the Enhanced Ecommerce section along with new segments to create custom reports. Product represents your program names and Program Category would be your season name. You will be able to create new segments to filter your tracking data.


Contact us

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at support@jumbula.com.

Best Regards, Jumbula Support Team

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