Family credit overview

Family credit overview


When you cancel an order or make an adjustment you will have the option to do a refund or apply a family credit. This credit can be used towards an existing order from the admin dashboard. See below instructions to learn more.

Search for the order either with the Confirmation ID or you can go to the Seasons > your desired season > Programs and Orders, finally click on the program and find the order in mention, hover over its Actions menu, and click on Edit/Cancel option.


Or click on the View details option, then in the registration details page click on the Edit/Cancel icon on the top right hand, see sample below).



If canceling, click on the Cancel entire order option.


Once the order is canceled you can now go back to that order and will find the refund option either in the Actions menu or on the top icons as shown on the below sample.


In the Payment history section select Transfer the balance to the family credit. Enter the credit amount and click on Continue.


Now you are in the Review page, in this page you have two options for sending confirmation email choose one or both of them if you want and click on Submit.


Contact us

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at

Best Regards, Jumbula Support Team

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