How can I add a follow-up form or waiver to multiple orders?

How can I add a follow-up form or waiver to multiple orders?

It might be the case that after receiving orders, you need to add a follow-up form or waiver and then request registrants to complete them.

If you need to edit or add follow-up or waiver forms make sure to do this step before going through the detailed process. To do so, go to Jumbula Dashboard > Toolbox > Forms > Follow-up forms, and for waivers, go to Jumbula Dashboard > Season > Select a season > Setup > Multi-class registration > Form and waivers 

Follow the instructions below

  • Go to Jumbula Dashboard > Season > your desired season > Programs and orders
  • From the list of programs find the program name where you want to add a follow-up or waiver
  • Hover over the ... in the Actions column
  • Click on the Orders action

find the program you want to add form to

You will be directed to the orders for that program, next:

  • Scroll down to see the list
  • If you want to add your follow-up form or waiver to all your orders tick the first checkbox, if not, tick the checkbox for individual orders
  • Scroll up and click on the + icon at the top of the page

select the orders

add form or waiver

Now you see the selected orders and can add a follow-up form(s) and waiver(s), to do so:

  • Select the type of form that you want to add, Follow-up form or Waivers
  • Select your follow-up form or waiver from the dropdown menu. If you have used any of these forms before, they will be under the Assigned to program category, and if not they will be under the Unassigned category.

add follow up form

select the form that you want

  • Add a note in the Note box (optional)
    This is for your reference and you can find it in the order history.
  • Click Continue
  • Next, you will see a summary of your work. After checking click Submit
  • Your user will receive a notification email with a link to complete their new waivers or follow-up forms

Below is an example of what the user receives in the email:

new waiver

To check the status of added waivers or follow-up forms:

  • Go to Jumbula Dashboard > Season > your desired season > Programs and orders
  • Hover over the ... in the Actions column of your desired program
  • Click on the Orders action
  • Scroll down to see the list of orders
  • Hover over the ... in the Actions column for your desired order
  • Click on the View details action

check the status

  • Scroll down to find the Follow-up forms and Waivers section
  • Check the Status column
    If the follow-up form was completed, you will see the word Done in the status column, otherwise, you would see - sign.
    If the parent has agreed or signed the waiver,  you would see the word Agreed or Signed, otherwise, you will see the Not set label.

follow-up status

waiver status


The following screenshot shows what users see on their order details page.


parent side forms status


Contact us

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at

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