How to enable the waitlist notification email and customize its template?

How to enable the waitlist notification email and customize its template?

When a participant is waitlisted for a program or removed from it, two notification emails are sent. The first one is sent to the parent to confirm that the student is waitlisted or has been removed. The second email is sent to the admin.

Follow the instructions below

To enable waitlist notification email for admin:

  • Go to Admin Dashboard > Settings
  • Select Policies > Email to admin
  • Scroll down to see the Waitlist email section
  • Check the Send notification email to admin when a user goes on waitlist or is removed checkbox
  • Click Save

Below is an example of what the admin receives in the email:

waitlist email


To enable waitlist notification email for users:

  • Go to Admin Dashboard > Settings
  • Choose Policies > Email to user
  • In the Waitlist email section check the Send notification email to family when a user goes on waitlist or is removed checkbox

Below is an example of what users receive in their emails:

waitlist notification email

To Customize the waitlist email template:

You can control and modify the email content delivered to the parent/guardian using the waitlist notification text settings. By using these settings, you can send the desired text to the recipients.

  • Go to the Admin dashboard > Settings
  • Choose Notification texts > Emails

On the loaded page, you have two sections to edit the waitlist email notification text:

Waitlist email: In this section, you must write the entire email body with the desired merge tag parameters.

Waitlist - brief email: In this section, you can edit and write the email which will be sent when you use the Waitlis-brief feature.  You can use your desired merge tag parameters.

  • After typing your desired email body, click Save

Related Articles:

Enabling the Waitlist

Managing the Waitlist

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Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Contact our support team at

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